Stabbing pains at 10dpo... Please read description

Hey everyone, long story short we've had 3 miscarriages all early. Tested low on progesterone and a positive PTT LA -- which I'm not really sure what that is but I was referred to an RE. I don't see that specialist until mid July so like a month from now. We're just mostly avoiding BD without protection during my fertile time which is CD14-18 typically. This month we BD without protection on CD11 and just recently CD 19. Now it's CD20 and I literally had this stabbing pain in my uterus that felt almost close to the beginning of my previous miscarriages. And when I went to the bathroom (i thought I had to poop lol) there was a tiny bit of blood on the tp.. This never happened with other pregnancies... Has anyone ever experienced implantation cramps? I know its a thing...and it could be I Just ovulated early like day 11 or 12. Just not sure how it happens or when? Maybe I ovulated late? Maybe cyst pain? Thanks so much in advance.

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