I'm driving myself crazy!!

Joanna • Married. Mom of 4💛
So I don't know if you all have heard about that little boy who died from dry drowning. I happened to read about it the same day I took my kids to the beach and to top it off my daughter swallowed some water. Right now she has a stuffy nose and a mild cough which has me on edge. She even took a nap and of course I just keep thinking of all of the symptoms and how the boys parents fought he had a cold from Getting wet. I am so paranoid, I can't focus and keep checking on my daughter, last night i did not sleep and kept waking up to check on her. So tonight I'm still worried and I ready know I won't sleep. I've thought of taking her to the er but I haven't, I'm just trying to stay calm and at 34 weeks pregnant in having the worst dreams which is not helping at all😕. Is anyone else paranoid about it?