
I have never been depressed in my whole entire life. Ever.. when my grandparents died, I was sad, when my parents split, I was sad... but nothing compares to this. My ex shattered my heart into a million pieces.. I seriously believe that I am depressed. All I want to do is sleep all the time. I stay up late and then sleep almost all of the next day.. how do you move past a break-up? How do I go about moving on? I know I need time to heal... but I don't think these wounds will ever fully heal. We've been broken up for 2 and a half months now.. it still hurts like hell. I still cry all the time... and I mean ugly cry. We had talked about marriage and the whole nine yards.. it hurts so much. I need some advice on how to get past this.. I put on a front towards my friends and family but on the inside I feel helpless. How can I be happy again, how can I move forward?Β 
Also--- pictures of animals always seem to cheer me up at least for a few seconds. Which is better than nothing.. could you all share some pictures of your fur babies?πŸ˜•Β