My husband cried tonight.

My husband is a general contractor and works for himself. There's been time were work has not been good and we've only had a dollar to our name. And very few times where we've had a lot of money but spend it right away because we're in debt. Just recently it has been going good for us. Although I am not working since we decided I should stay home to take care of our 6 month old, my husband is the one stressing about supporting our family. and let me tell you all, he's done a pretty awesome job and I couldn't be more proud
Of him. I hired about 7 guys to work for him which means more money for us. My husband and I have always stayed up late talking about our bills and how one day we would become rich. Or one day we wouldn't struggle so much. Tonight.... we sat down and talked about how much money he has been making and it's a lot. We're happy, we're laughing and then he starts to cry and says "I used to make $300 a week" I got up, hugged him and said I'm so proud of you. I know it made him feel good. Moral of the story, never stop trying when you're on your lowest. Never stop believing in yourself. My husband has told me so many stories about people telling him he woudlnt make it and look at him now. He's come a long way and for that I am grateful. Thank you God.