idk what's going on

So I have no idea what's going on with my body. Something is off. I've gotten many negative pregnancy tests so I don't necessarily think it's that, but no one seems to be able to come up with another idea so I'm wondering if anyone on here has any ideas. I have heard of people getting negative tests until they were quite a few months along so I have no idea... So basically, the past 2+ weeks I've been constantly bloated, I don't fit in my jeans despite not gaining weight. I have to pee a lot more than normal. My nipples are incredibly sore and darker/larger than normal. Which I know can be a PMS symptom, but has never happened to me before. I have cramps that aren't as bad as my normal period cramps. Was nauseous for a week and a half but it went away, but still have some food adversions (sorry if that's spelled wrong). A lot of discharge (sorry if that's tmi), and it feels like I have pressure on my stomach towards the bottom. Doctors have no explanation. I sort of have gotten my period the past few months, or at least some bleeding, but none of my normal horrible cramps. It was on time, but extremely lighter and shorter (my period has been exactly the same for 5 years). I'm not supposed to get my next period for a few more weeks, and at this point in my cycle I don't usually have symptoms. I can't come up with any explanation for this and I feel like I'm going crazy... Despite this situation, I really haven't been stressed recently so it's hard for me to try and blame it on that. Please if anyone's had anything similar or has any ideas comment!! I'm so confused.