Anyone feelin pretty much every emotion? because ur missing ur honey😔 or for other reasons u may have?


It feels like I've been feelin every emotion. Tired, exhausted, cranky, moody, sad, calm. I've been missing my honey so much, he's been away & because of time difference we always end up missing eachother. He's supposed to be back in July or beginning of August because im due ending of August. I literally just go to work, then home to shower, eat & unwind. It gets so tiring to because I be on my feet a lot, so I gotta take time to sit & relax. But that's my everyday. I do get bored so I try to keep myself busy by moving around in the house cleaning, reading my pregnancy books, a little excercise lol. I literally have no one else to talk to besides my bump lol. 

Anyone else in the same shoes? Or anyone else out there went through your whole pregnancy alone or without your honey? 

It can be hard at times not having ur other person there, but I realize it's makin me stronger.