my body isn't normalizing after m/c

Getting so frustrated and confused by my body. I had a missed mc April 17, d&c April 18. It has been 8 weeks and I haven't gotten a normal period and I haven't ovulated. My bleeding after d&c lasted 3.5wks. At the end of may I had very very light bleeding (tmi ahead) mostly brown blood and occasionally some pink blood. It was so light I would only use 1-2 liners and it lasted about 8 days. I thought maybe this was a weird af since I bled a while and a lot after d&c but now I don't know. I've been testing for ovulation since I got a negative pregnancy test 4 weeks after mc but all have been negative. I do have PCOS so I know I don't ovulate every month. My hcg level last week was 7, got tested yesterday for beta hcg and hopefully it's at 0, just waiting for the results. I'm now having brown spotting and it has been only 2 weeks since I last bled. I'm having breast soreness, for 5 days had right lower abdominal pain intermittently, and now I'm feeling mostly abdominal pressure. I don't know what's going on with me and my body.  I thought maybe ovulation pains or a true af but nothing is happening so far but discomfort. My cycles are taking a while to normalize. I really wanted to be one of those people that conceived shortly after mc but it's not happening. I'm getting so frustrated and impatient. I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if anyone else experienced this too or something similar. I feel like I have to relearn my body again. When I was trying to get pregnant I was chatting and everything and was just understanding my cycle then I got pregnant after 6 months of trying, now I have to restart all over again. I'm only 27 but since the mc I've felt like my clock is ticking and I'm confused if I can even carry a baby full term since this is my first pregnancy and it ended in mc. Sorry for all the venting, but no one else really gets it.