So many questions... HELP!


So I went off birth control two weeks ago because it was making me psychotic and emotional. We (my husband and I) are just trying to make it to August because we have a trip to London planned and then I'm taking my mom to universal in the beginning of October for a mother daughter trip. We read Harry Potter together growing up so I wanted to take her to Hogwarts.

I am new to all of this and currently trying to figure out when I ovulate.

So questions.... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1. I HATE condoms like I'll never finish if we use one... Any suggestions on brands and types that are most comfortable?

2. Favorite brand of ovulation tests?

3. Why can't you ride a roller coaster pregnant? This may seem stupid but I'm genuinely curious because there is a good chance it may happen before we go.

4. Just for fun... How long did it take you to concieve after quitting bc?