Estrogen in soy formula


So I went to my WIC appt the other day and the nutritionist that I spoke with actually told me that since I have a baby boy, if it was possible for him to have another formula other than soy that it would be a great idea. She told me that she wasn't even supposed to be telling mothers this, but she did anyway and I am appreciative. After reading about it, I see that there has also been controversy about baby girls consuming the soy, saying that it can cause them to go into puberty at a younger age. The link below talks about it not necessarily a problem, but it does say that there is estrogen is soy. Being that I have a boy, I switched hia formula, because I in no way want my son consuminy estrogen, because I really don't know if it could be a problem in the future. I just wanted to post about this in case no one has heard about it and has the same feelings about it as I do.