pregnancy announcement

I've been trying to conceive for about one year total with a few months off due to travel. It was frustrating and not enjoyable. I see so many women on here trying for 2,3,4 years. I was once that women who was depressed, frustrated, hopeless. Whenever I would see another birth or a newly pregnant friend on social media my uterus would cringe! After we kept TTC, tracking my periods, taking ovulation tests, taking another pregnancy test that seemed to always be negative and a waste of money, I took one and got a BFP. We will be telling my family soon and I'd like to announce on social media after 12 weeks because it's my special time too. I know there's women out there who will read my post and think "what's wrong with me" or "why can't I conceive when everyone else is". I was that person. How do I announce in a tasteful way that's not overly ecstatic? I want others to know that I know how they feel and I know their struggle but to stay positive if they are struggling with infertility or miscarriage. That I was in their positivism too and it's okay to be vocal about it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. How do I announce it to not make other TTC couples feel like shit like I felt?