Sleeping situation - bed sharing- naptime


Okay so I see everyone posting and responding on here about their babies bedtime routine.... And Im realizing that mine is totally not like everyone else's... And I kinda feel horrible about it. But I feel like it's going to be extremely difficult to change at this point....

-my baby does not have a set bedtime. Every day is different for us, so when she falls asleep at night anytime between 8:30-10:30 is when we go to bed.

-she gets pajamas put on around 7:30-8 every night and a bath every other night.

-once she starts acting sleepy (rubbing eyes, yawing) I bring her to bed with me and she nurses or takes a paci until she falls asleep.

***This is the part that is quite different then everyone else***

-I put a pillow on either side of me and we go to sleep together, cuddling around each other.

I'm breast feeding and this makes it very easy to lay on my side and nurse her.

I'd like to add that she NEVER cried at night, because as soon as she starts to wake, I'm ready to feed her. We both sleep exceptionally well and she only wakes once or twice at night to eat.

I'm usually a very strict rule follower and since bed-sharing is typically frowned upon it has me feeling very conflicted.

I'd like some feedback from anyone else who is bedsharing or who can make me feel less terrible about this. Should I attempt to break this "routine" and start putting her in her own bed? We have a snuggle nest that weve tried using a few times, the only problem is she only sleeps for like an hour and then wakes of I put her in it. Or I could try putting her in her own crib that's in my room.

I guess I should add that she also doesn't nap anywhere but in my arms and occasionally in her bouncer. 😔 I feel like I've created some terrible habits for the both of us.

I need some words of encouragement ladies, please help me out here.