My Crazy Life

So I had a severe drinking problem from when I was 14-16. I was finally caught by my parents back in March and they realized how bad my drinking, slight drug and self harm problems were. At the time I had started to be a "thing" with a boy who transferred from another school with a similar problem, but he was sober. He had more problems with drugs and narcotics whereas mine was drinking and smoking. We both were recovering well together, but my mom hardly allowed me to see him and that caused me to have many problems and brought up both our heavy past. I lost sight of why we were together, and found a boy who is very sweet and Im far more comfortable with. I also always lived in fear if the previous boy fell off the wagon i would as well. I broke it off, but now I have a new set of problems. He texted me saying he messed up, he had started taking pills again. While he was high he asked why he felt so sad, and why he missed me so much. He needs help, but telling his parents could make him hate me. I'm trying to be a friend, but I don't want to spiral out. what do i do?