Going to Church the Day after the Wedding

My friend is getting married in 2 weeks and I'm the maid of honor. She informed me today that they are going to be going to church the next morning. Now she grew up as a non-practicing Lutheran but her future in-laws are devote Catholic and she has converted to Catholic. I grew up Lutheran but am non-practicing now. This wedding is going to be a highly alcohol consumed weddings by everyone involved and I know I won't feel like going to church the next morning and it will be weird going to a Catholic service. My friend has already told me that the in laws have already told her that her future kids will be going to Catholic school. To me, going to church the day after the wedding just seems like another thing she is doing to please her in laws. I feel like I should go since I'm her best friend and maid of honor but I really don't want to and don't know what I should do....

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