penis pic

So here I was this morning checking out posts and someone posted a pic of a penis and was curious if her boyfriend was small. First I thought i was dumbfounded and couldn't believe the ordasity of this person posting a pic of her new boyfriend . I was shocked yet I think this is something to piggyback on .
I asked my husband a question . I asked him if he thinks he is small and he answered yes however he is maybe a tad bit under average which he is 4'8 and i from what another person posted, the average is 5-5.5. 
I think this guy as well as plenty of other men out there are really concerned about their penis size. It was still wrong and disgusting to post but what if he was a grower and was 5.25 erect, would everyone still say he was small in a flaccid state. I mentioned in the post that my ex was almost like that pic, he would be shriveled up when soft and I joked and called him peniee but he was ok with it because we had great sex. 
If your partner looked like that pic but grew to average size erection, how would you feel ?