29 weeks, worried about weight gain

So I am 29 weeks pregnant now, due August 30th so about 10 1/2 more weeks to go! Not long at all! My starting weight was 148lbs. (I'm 5'6ft tall, and I'm 24) I currently weigh at my last appointment on Friday 171lbs and they say they want my total weight to be no more then 180lbs by the end of the pregnancy. They said to cut down on sugars and carbs and things like that. The problem is I really don't eat bad. I eat protein and veggies and fruit and drink lots of water. I do eat a lot though but I am literally starving all the time! If I don't eat I feel really sick to my stomach or I get a head ache or I just can't focus! Which I need to be on top of my game cause I'm a preschool teacher. Now I'm all self conscious about my weight and worried I'm gaining to much 😞 not sure what I should do! Any advice or anyone having the same issue 😥