my mom doesn't believe me

Okay so I suffer from depression and anxiety well I cut but my parents don't know that so I recently got in trouble bc I did something bad with my friend so when I was getting in trouble I found out that she was actually put in the hospital bc she tried killing her self. I never knew that but I always ask my mom can u take me to the doctors to get me put in medicine well she won't I asked her at least ten times and she still won't and then when I was getting yelled at she had that balls to say that I am only sad for attention and I'm not truly depressed it's all just in my head as soon as she said that I instantly bursted out crying bc she won't even believe her own daughter and tell her that she just wants attention like what would she do if I did kill myself she wouldn't know how to deal with it and I almost cut my self then but I fought threw it and now I'm 8 months strong from cutting but yesterday I had a mental break down I was so on guard about everything and then I came in my room and I was going to do my makeup but as soon as I looked in the mirror I stared crying and I couldn't stop I cried for at least 3 or four hours and I almost broke my promise to my self and friends that I wouldn't cut but thankfully I made it threw it and didn't cut but anyway what would u do if your parents told you that u were doing it for attention bc it really fucking pisses me off 😭and breaks my heart that she won't help me or believe me 💔😭😭