Beginning Stages

Aubrey • DS born May 21, 2018, surprise with #2 due Aug 2019
I am 29 and I was diagnosed with DOR about 3 weeks ago. We meet with an RE on Monday and he confirmed the diagnosis. The next step is to get an HSG. That is scheduled for 6/28. If that comes back clear and SO sperm test is good, then he is going to prescribe clomid. All my other blood work looks good, and also shows that I'm ovulating, so not exactly sure what Clomid is going to do. Because of my AMH levels my RE said he is going to be on the "aggressive" side of things. I'm nervous for this. I'm scared for the HSG. And I'm scared of the Clomid not working. Has anyone had any similar experiences? And success stories? Thank you in advance