Ftm vent (Long)

Dis anyone else feel like a failure the first couple weeks of bringing baby home? I had my son June 6th, I was breastfeeding him, or atleast trying to but he always made a clicking sound and never latched really well. Turns out he had a tongue tie and the way he had his tongue he wasn't sucking right. So the day before we got to leave the hospital I had to meet with all these doctors. Starting with the lactation consultant she weighed him before and then weighed him after I fed him and he didn't gain anything from me because he couldn't drink right. So the pediatric doctor came in and they went ahead and cut the tie. They of course made it seem like he should now know how to do everything correctly but he didnt. And of course he was in a lot of pain. Finally a therapist came in and we decided with her to bottle feed him, but she had us hold him in a football hold to give him the bottle. It does work, but it's also not very convient so yesterday I tried doing the cradle hold and he did fine at first but then later in the night he threw everything back up and not just typical baby spit up either. I instantly broke down because of course I don't want to see my baby go through that even though he wasn't crying or anything, and because well it freaked me out. Luckily my husband calmed me down a little and I took a shower and just let it all out. We kind of think it might just be the bottle having a faster flow than he can handle. But now he hasn't pooped since early this morning, and it seems like he's constipated or has some type of tummy issues going on and I can't help but feel guilty for it all. I have no idea what I'm doing. No one ever talks about how hard this part is. I have never felt so low before. All I want is to make sure my bot is getting everything he needs. I'm at a total lost.