Baby's here!


Baby girl is here 6/15/17, weighing 8 lbs and 19 inches long. Born at 37+3 via repeat c section.

I started losing my mucus plug two days ago, went in for my 37 week check up and was dilated 2 cm 75%effaced. Continued losing pieces of my plug and started having very mild, but regular contractions Wednesday night through this morning (Thursday). My contractions had pressure in my lower abdomen, and anywhere from 6 minutes to 9 minutes apart all night, lasting around a minute each give or take a few seconds. I had 4 soft bowel movements throughout the night. Because my contractions didn't get stronger or much closer I didn't know if it was real labor or what. I called my Dr in the morning and they told me to go ahead and get checked for progression in L&D. Got to the hospital and I felt silly because I thought my contractions were too far apart and too weak, but I was dilated to 4 cm. Rechecked an hour later, 5 cm and they made the decision to go ahead with my repeat c section today. I still can't believe she's here, and EIGHT POUNDS! She's doing so well, and already LOVES the boob lol.