Just received the saddest phone call 😢

Lindsey • IVF miracle born 12/11/2018, surprise baby #2 due August 2021!
After 19 months of TTC, we tried <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and Clomid for the 1st time. We were stunned to have finally gotten our BFP and felt confident because at our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> the ultrasound revealed all the optimal conditions you could hope for. Last week, my levels didn't rise as much as the Dr was hoping, so he brought me in today for an early ultrasound to make sure my pregnancy wasn't ectopic. At 5w2d, the transvaginal ultrasound was able to show a small sac in my uterus. We were so relieved!  The Dr ordered more blood work and told me to come back in two weeks for another ultrasound.  Feeling so optimistic about the little nugget growing inside me, I went off to work feeling excited for what the next couple weeks will bring. My phone rang, and it was my Dr's office calling. I was excited to hear how high my levels had risen, so I picked it up immediately. My nurse sadly told me my levels had dropped significantly and that we're going to lose the pregnancy. 😢 This has felt like the longest journey and we were so confident that things were about to go right. My husband is at work and I decided to wait until I pick him up to tell him. I'm so sad that I have to give him this news. I never imagined how much pain there would be in our lives while trying to start a family.  My heart is broken....