Any advice, ladies? TTC/TMI/PERIOD

Ok, ladies! I need your help! This is my first ever post. I have a fairly regular but slightly long cycle. I started my period June 1st. It ended the 7th. I had sex the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. Then on the 15th and 16th I had some brownish colored spotting when I wiped. And a tad bit on my panty liner. I have been TTC for quite some time now. But this month I am taking a break. Meaning no temping, tracking, or taking ovulation tests. My question is...could this have been ovulation or implantation bleeding? I did have some light left sided cramping for one of the days I was spotting. I don't want to get my hopes up for anything. So, I knew you ladies would have some fantastic advice or even share your own experiences. Thank you so much, in advance!