Ectopic pregnancy


I really wish I had known about the kind of support you can receive from online communities like glow, in February 2016 when I had my ectopic pregnancy. My family and my boyfriend's family were absolutely amazing, as well as friends... but no one could relate to the experience we had. On top of it, I was in my final semester of university, working almost full-time, and had to return to my normal life only 1 week after having the laparoscopic surgery (removed my right tube).

At 5 weeks pregnant, I was experiencing intense lower abdominal pains. One day it was so bad that my boyfriend and I decided I should seek medical attention. I had an ultrasound that confirmed there was a sac in my uterus, however, there was no heartbeat. My blood test also confirmed that my pregnancy hormones were low, and I most likely mis-carrying.

One week later, I was driving myself to the clinic to have my final blood test to confirm that the miscarriage had run its course. Two days prior to that, they had confirmed that my uterus had emptied out any remnants of a sac through an internal ultrasound, but wanted me to come back in two days to check my hormones once again. As i was driving to this clinic, I started having these pains again that I had been experiencing a week prior. Only these pains were excruciating. My hands started to feel numb, my vision became blurry, and by some miracle, being only 1 minute away, I made it to my clinic without crashing my car. I parked the car, called my boyfriend to come get me, and then could not move from my car because I was too weak to open my car door. I lied down and passed out. Apparently 20 mins later, my boyfriend and my mom found me passed out in my car, and rushed me to the hospital. My right tube ruptured while I was driving my car and I was bleeding internally.

I couldn't even talk at all. My boyfriend had to explain to the doctors that we had a miscarriage a week before, and that two days before, the ultrasound had confirmed that there was no baby in my uterus anymore. And while that was all true, there was something else we didn't know, that the other doctors had also failed to notice. I had an another baby in my right tube. I was pregnant with fraternal twins, and one baby was stuck in my tube. It was almost as if the baby in my uterus did not want to enter this world without it's twin. Completely surreal and I'm still blown away by it to this day.

My boyfriend, my first child, my sweet little girl, who was 7 years old at the time, and I all suffered from this loss for a few months after. And I only chose to tell my daughter because she saw me crying once when I was thought she was sleeping in her bed, and had asked if SHE made me cry. Broke my heart. I had her when I was 18 years old and she's been my inspiration for many things in life.

Fast forward to June 16th, 2017, and I am now 20 weeks pregnant with a baby girl! An active baby girl just like her big sister. I really understand the meaning of a "rainbow baby" now. I got pregnant almost exactly one year after having my ectopic pregnancy. Our family is so happy and full of happy tears all the time.

I hope my story helps anyone going through any sort of traumatic pregnancy experience. Love to all you strong women out there!!