on a break

Hi! I'm really upset and I wanted to talk to someone but I really feel my friends are fed up with me complaining about this, sooo ill tell you guys about it :(
I've been in a relationship with this guy for almost 4 years. We've always fought for stupid things. The thing is last week we fought almost everyday (because I picked up fights for stupid things like he didn't want ro see certain movie, he made plans without me, he ignored my comment on fb etc) He got so upset he lost it and asked me for a break, he told me he didn't want to hear from me or see me because he is so fed up with me fighting all the time, and he feels I'm not trying to make the relationship work/ he feels unloved. he said he needed a week or two away from me but that maybe after that time he'd tell me he's better off without me, he also said that I could respect this break or we could break up inmeadiatly cause he doesn't care anymore and doesn't believe that I can ever change. The night before we were together and it was perfect he told me he loved me and that spending time with me really made him happy, he said I was the best thing in his life rn
I'm so sad cause I really miss him and want to make things right and stop acting like a spoiledbratt fighting for every stupid thing
He is really amazing and loving and caring but I'm afraid I reaaaally got into his nerves and I'm afraid he'll find out he's better off without me and finds someone else.