Thought I was out.... not so sure, need help

Amy • Trying to conceive for 8+ years after mirena removal. Last early mc was April 2017, and then we experienced a complete molar pregnancy in Aug 2017-Jan 2018 where I underwent extensive hospitalization and chemo therapy to treat!

So I took 3 tests, all with faint lines, the last being lighter than the 2 previous. Last night I started bleeding, very dark, old blood, then it turned to watery dark pink, with red spots/streaks late last night, and now today mucous pink only when I wipe. I went through maybe 2 pads, and that's being generous, I'm 24hrs.

I was 4-6 days late when this "bleeding" happened, and now tonight I have pulling/ pinching sensation on the lower right. Also, I feel fullness down low and when i wipe.

Has anyone had this before, and was it a success?