Updated: Started Femara for PCOS

Sarah • 35, PCOS, TTC # 1 with Acupuncture and IVF in 2019

After 4 rounds of Clomid (150mg) with Menopur (2 vials a day), which resulted in ovulation but not conception... I have started Femara (7.5mg) this cycle! Hoping the Femara and Menopur will result in a BFP for my PCOS body!

If you have similar experiences, please share! 

Baby dust to all!

Update 1 (6/23): Femara worked well! Have a lovely 18.5mm follicle, and the goal is 16-20. Triggering tonight and timed intercourse over the weekend. Hoping to go from ovulation to conception!!

Update 2 (7/10): AF showed her face 15 days after ovulation like usual. Then I went for my ultrasound to make sure there's no cysts before our next mixed cycle, and there was a big one!! Argh!!! Dr says we should talk about next steps in a couple weeks, which I'm assuming means <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Bummer of a Monday for sure!!!