me and my so and so have been dating for 3 months and we just got on a serious level. The first 2 months were us just spending time and having fun with eachother. Although we are on a serious level im still getting to know him and learning new things about him..of course because it's fresh. Well recently he's been acting kind of off not talking much and not wanting to see me. I then went on to asking him what's that all about and he says he's going through some things and that he deals with things alone and would rather spend time to himself while he is going through his rough time. With me being his new gf, I'm understanding that he shuts down when he's sad. But I don't want him to shut me out...how can I convince him to open up and tell me what's wrong...
Found out that he was only telling me he was going through a hard time and needed space because he was seeing someone else. And to think I felt bad for him. Ladies, should I confront him or say nothing and just leave