
Hello I am really trying to put all the words together me and my husband have been trying since last November I have 2 kids and his first time dad right before we got married on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> we had a miscarriage now were four months n my peiords have been different days every month this month I have had no period one night we had sex and the next day my cervical mucas was bloody then stoped since then no period I been having a lot of stomach cramps like period but nothing my boobs are real tender every time I bump them especially around nipple really sore I almost cry and not to mention my crazy mood swings and nausea I am afrid to take a test I don't want to get my hopes up I have apt on Wednesday with a OB but really nervous, can someone give me some advice I don't know what to do or think I am scared all together I am hoping for the best and also thinking the worst also my mom is battle stage 4 melanoma cancer for a year now with said she had 3 surgeries chemo and radiation and then found more spots of the cancer on her lungs and spine she keeps saying she wants a grandbaby before she passed I have already lost my father so this really makes me more upset so many mixed emotions I just really want to start my family please pray happy thoughts for my family baby dust to everyone God bless