Bloodwork came back normal... except..

So we have been TTC for 15 months. I've gotten pregnant twice and lost both. For the last 7 months we have done all we could and nothing. This month my doc decided it was time to move forward with blood work and a dye test that shows whether your tubes are blocked or not. (I hear it's so much fun!😒). 
My DEHA-S levels were a bit elevated and my docs office said it was most likely a fluke but wanted to retest. So I went in last night and I wait. In the mean time she says, "no googling!!!!!! Doctors orders!!!!!!" Well what she hasn't  gotten the grasp of is I'm type A. So yeah right, lady.  ,......... I shouldn't have looked it up. Basically says I produce too much testosterone and may interfere with ovulation like pcos however I dont have pcos. So all I can think is self diagnosing. When looking up elevated DEHA-S levels is says there's a chance of tumor. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 
Anyone else have a false positive on this blood test? Or have a situation similar and everything turned out fine? I've never been so scared about the future of our TTC journey in my life.