My husband want to travel but u want a second baby.... Help!!


My husband want to take a period of 6months - 1 ur out and. Travel the world. With our son who's 11 months just now.

We had both decided we were going to start trying for a second baby this month, until my husband decided he wants to do this.

We both love travelling, but ATM I am happy with my life and I was. Excited about getting pregnant again.

I told him today my work have said no (I haven't been told this officially, but my manager has said he thinks my request. For time off will be declined) and when I Asked him if this meant we were going to start trying again he said I've to find out when I would be able to get time off to go.

I dont like the idea of him having regrets in his life, but I feel we can travel in a few years time once we have completed our family.

I dont want to do and would like some help/advice.