TTC; let's talk.

I have a friend who has been trying to get pregnant. She's had 5 tries and still nothing. Her first pregnancy happened with ease and now her second is "taking forever." She's honestly a really healthy person and her sex life is great by the sounds of it.. 
I feel for her.. and while I know every prengnancy is different and just because you were super fertile once doesn't mean you will be for the next. Or because one pregnancy happened with ease doesn't mean the next will too.. and vice versa in all. 
I also know it's hard to face and hard to have patience and strength. It hurts every time you read that negative pregnancy test.  It's annoying and it's hard not to blame yourself and/or your partner. 
She's experiencing all of the negative emotions that go along with a rough TTC journey. Every month she gets AF and it breaks my heart right along with hers.. I'm there for her, let her vent, give a hug.. I just wish there was more I could do.
I am also TTC and have only been for 2 tries thus far. My cycle is fairly irregular so I expected to have some difficulty.. so I'm still in high spirits for now. 
I worry though... I'm kinda scared to get pregnant before her.. I know she'd be excited for me but I also know it would hurt for her... your best friend pregnant when you've been trying for longer... ouch. We both want babies to come along now. I honestly hope she gets pregnant first simply because I think it'd just be best. I can handle her being prengnant and me still not and be happy for her... but I don't know if she can handle her friend getting pregnant before her, when she's wanted it and been trying for longer, on top of everything else.
I wish there was more I could do for her.. for me... for all. TTC is not easy... It's constantly excitement followed by anxiety followed by hurt and anger and then repeat until maybe, just maybe, you're finally pregnant. It takes such an emotional toll after awhile. Us women need to be there for each other. Your partner should be there for you and you for them. 
Hardly anyone talks about the difficulties of TTC and the pain hidden behind the smile. Let it out, share and be there for one another.