At 5:30AM on June 16, 2017 my water broke

Breezy • ✨👾✨🌺✨🦄✨ Mama to a Gem 💎♊️✨ 2️⃣2️⃣♍️✨
At 5:30AM on June 16, 2017 my water broke. I arrived at the hospital 10 minutes later & was officially admitted at 6AM. I was 1cm for hours so they started me on Pitocin to speed up the process. At 1:30PM I was finally 5cm and didn't progress for hours. My contractions were becoming more than I could handle. My nurse told me I had two options I could either receive an epidural, or get prepared for a C Section. I opted for the epidural at 11:30PM. Around 2AM I was finally 8cm dilated. After about 30 minutes of pushing I finally delivered a 21 inch, 8.2lb healthy baby girl 💖