For those of you scared of induction... Birth story

I know I was! My first son came 10 days early. So naturally I thought this one would too. Well ivr been uncomfortable my whole pregnancy with quite a few medical issues that came a long with a lot of pain. I scheduled an induction for 40 weeks 2 days. 06/16/17 Olin Matthew was born at 12:47 pm. I arrived at the hospital at 5 am. Not realizing I was already having contractions.. I had noticed them all night while sleeping but definitely not when I woke up a day got to moving around. Started pitocin at 7, my doctor does very slow inductions.. All in all I only had pitocin drip for a half an hour. But around 12 I was dilated to a 5 and she broke my water. Still, from 7 to 11 I only felt the tightening of my contractions no pain what so ever. After she broke my water is when all the pain came on but I literally had contractions for an hour and was ready to push. So around 1230 he started coming out on his own, I pushed 3 big pushes and he was out! Couldn't have been more blessed or happy with my birth experience this time. She also said if I decide to have any more kids. I should probably be induced because they come too fast 😉lol