Help!? Glow says I'm pregnant but HPTs say negative...

I have had some pregnancy symptoms going on the past few weeks. I have had nausea here and there, soft stool and haven't had a real period since April. I've had some spotting in may and some spotting in June (sorry for all this TMI). This got a little weird, especially with the nausea , so I took an HPT on Wednesday (6/14) where I thought I saw a vvfl on the test. I thought I was just imagining it so i took a second on in Friday which came negative, and then a third one on Saturday which also came back negative. I have logged all of these on the <a href="">glow app</a> and after the Saturday one I try putting negative on it and it keeps saying "congratulations on your pregnancy.." My question is what should I believe and has this happened to anyone else?
P.S I get married in less than a month so I'm not sure if this could possibly be from stress and not really being pregnant. I haven't told my SO yet because I don't want to give false hope. Thanks!