How do you distract yourself?

My husband and I have been TTC for only a few months, and each month has come and gone with nothing. I didn't get too discouraged, we're young (late 20s), healthy, and have plenty of time. 
But this month, something felt... different. We baby danced a lot more than we have previously, especially during my fertile window. Yesterday I had some cramping, and today I had spotting and very specific cramping (like, give me a map of my uterus and I can draw an X where it hurts). My appetite has been a bit different the last week, nothing huge. And my boobs have been sore all week, which is really unusual.
In all likelihood this is implantation-related. I'm only 7/8 dpo which I know is way too early to test but I caved and did anyway. Negative, but again I know this is probably too early. I'm just mad at myself for giving in, I swore I wouldn't test until next weekend 😞 
How do you distract yourself from thinking about testing and the sssssslllllloooooowwwww waiting period between ovulation and testing? 
Posting a picture of my current support system, Loki the shih-poo 😁 he's not normally so colorful!