Our Story

Alaina • Married 9.10.11 👰🏻 Angel baby Joseph 5.29.17 👼🏻 Rainbow baby Alivia 2.4.19 💗 Fraternal Twins James and Josie 5.2.20 💙💜
****Long Post*****
So my husband and I lost our baby on Memorial Day, I was 18w and 4d. This was our first ever pregnancy. See my husband has lost over 200lbs and back in January we really started enjoying sex more with his weight loss. Found out I was pregnant in February, total shock! We were so happy because we had been trying for 5 years, ever since we got married. We even had a gender reveal in early May, found out it was a boy. I had always had a feeling it was a boy and I was so ecstatic my husband was getting a little boy! We were so happy. 
Then one Saturday we were fooling around and I had a gush of fluid, nothing too awful, just thought it was normal drainage. It had no odor, I had no blood so I didn't worry about it. The next night I started to have light cramps and I was still having drainage. I am a nurse so I had researched the drainage and it sounded like lots of women had normal discharge during pregnancy. Well I woke up Monday morning (which was Memorial Day) still cramping. When I went to the bathroom, I could feel something in my vaginal cavity, it felt like little legs. My husband and I rush to the ER, the L&D nurses feel the same thing I do. My baby boy had a heart beat still, a very good one at 160. I ended up becoming high risk with a fever and was transferred to another hospital to deliver. Thankfully I was able to deliver vaginally with only IV pain medication even though it hurt like hell. My husband and I got to hold our sweet baby until we discharged the next day. 
My heart is still broken, the pain hurts so bad emotionally, but I wanted to let all you ladies know, hearing your stories and sharing in your pain has helped me to cope and heal. I honestly am glad to not be the only one who feels this heart wrenching, soul shattering pain. I may not know any of you personally but I know your hurt and pain, and I'm thankful we can share with one another and bear each other's burdens. I am so sorry we all have to go through this type of pain, but I'm thankful to have others that understand how I feel. Thank you for reading ❤️
My husband and I with our sweet angel baby 💙