Unsure of What to Think.....

I need advise, ideas, anything really. 
I had just found out I was pregnant 6/10/17 (just so happened to be my hunny's birthday).
We were both so happy. I went to the dr on Monday and had the confirmation done and an appointment made with an OB for 07/07/17. This past Thursday, I woke up with a wettish feeling in my undies. Went to the bathroom and saw a bit of blood. Immediately panicked. It wasn't thick or bright red. More watery than normal blood and it was pinkish in color. I called my primary doctor and she more or less said "rest and relax, there's nothing we can do". So I called the OB and left a message. Friday she calls me back and asks if I can come in immediately for a blood test and vaginal ultrasound. By then, the bleeding had increased, and it more resembled actual blood, and there was more of it. And I was slightly cramping. In the simplest of terms, it felt exactly like a period. So I go in and the doctor does the ultrasound and says that she can't see anything, but that she thinks that's because she thinks I'm not far enough along (primary dr said she thought I was 5-6 weeks, OB says she thinks it's more like 3-4)... anyways. Had my blood sent off and they called me in the evening and told me that my levels were all normal and rising like that should. I felt relieved at first, but still scared. Up until now, my breasts were very swollen and very tender. Now they hurt a bit, but barely. Out of curiosity, I took another pregnancy test, figuring it would put my mind at ease....nope. My first 3 tests I took on 6/10 were all DARK positive. This one I just took was FAINT. So I'm so confused on what is happening. Dr said I was fine and that my HCG was normal, yet the test is showing a faint positive 😞. I'm supposed to go back Thursday for more blood work so they can check my levels again, but I'm terrified they're going to say I have miscarried. 
My boyfriend is convinced that the test was wrong, since it was a really cheap one, but I told him I think it means I've lost the baby 😞😞
Does anyone know what COULD be happening, or am I correct in my assumptions of miscarriage?....