I need some advice. ...

This is a long post and I hope you will stick around to read it and give your advice on the matter.

Let's start from the beginning. About 3 years ago my brother and his wife announced to family they were expecting. I was not told and found out through fb. I was hurt but pushed it to the back of my mind. I don't really see my nephew much as they don't visit anyone and I have may have seen him 6x total in his 2 yrs of life. So about a year ago, his wife and I got into a debate about cloth diapers and I disagreed with her as i plan to try cloth diapers with my own kids, she made statements that cloth diapers are bad for babies and not healthy and cause way more rashes than disposable. Well, the result of that was me getting blocked on FB. And I am still blocked to this day. So, they are expecting again...and guess who was left out yet again. So this time I was extremely hurt because in my mind it isn't an accident and you don't just forget how many siblings you or you husband has. So I wrote my brother and asked why I was excluded in their news. He called. That call went from 0-95 in less than two minutes, because when he claimed it was probably nothing intentional I was already bawling my eyes out because I've held in all these hurt feelings over the years and I just was overcome by the hurt. Well, amidst him and these claims she wouldn't have done that on purpose, I tried to tell him how this happens frequently and he denied denied denied....and I said she was a petty b!&*#. He flipped. And as he was screaming I couldn't get a word in and I was crying so hard so I just hung up. I shut down when people get like that and there is nothing I can do. (First time I have hung up on anyone in years) anyway, he showed up and was yelling at me in person. In all his yelling he told me I was never to call his wife that, I was nothing but drama and that was why I wrote him was to start drama and try and ruin a celebratory time for him, told me I was ignorant when I tried to talk and get him to listen to me. I kept trying to tell him that it has hurt me, and I'm tired of feeling hurt and left out of news. He told me to be quiet and that I was not to interrupt him while he was talking. I shut my mouth and when he stopped talking for a minute I tried to explain my side and that this has happened so many times already and that I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm blocked on fb but she has no problem inviting me and my husband to their sons birthday parties and expecting gifts, but I don't feel comfortable going to someone's house that has me blocked on fb. There was so much of him yelling I don't remember a lot of what he said because he was acting so irrationally. I cried most of yesterday and today because he was never that explosive. I was hurt that he called me drama and said I have all kinds of friend drama and that I was ignorant. The friend drama I HAD was so, but that was also over a year ago and I have nothing to do with her because she was psychotic (she faked a pregnancy and told my other brother and his wife they could adopt this "baby") she was drama and I avoid drama at all costs. I literally have one friend and we have been best friends for 20 years. She was my maid of honor and the one person I still have contact with. I mostly keep to myself. I work from home, my husband and I have no kids but have been ttc for almost 3 years, I don't go anywhere really, I rarely see or talk to anyone other than one cousin I am close with, my husband, my best friend and my mom. Other than that, I would consider myself a hermit. I attend family get togethers when they happen which is no more than 4x a year I don't think. But anyway, I was hurt that he feels that way because of the image she has made me out to be. I woke up this morning which was the day after this explosion and I honestly felt like someone died. My heart ached and aches now. He was never like this before her and him and I used to be close, which now he says he has no recollection of that and that also hurts that he could forget how much we used to talk and text. Anyway, essentially he told me that I was to attend things when I was invited and if she texted about something that I was to be civil. I am a really nice and kind person and never respond rudely, but there came a time yesterday where three years of being hurt by her came bubbling up and I expressed my feelings....or tried to. He made my mom cry when he implied that he will stand by his wife right or wrong and if anyone disagrees with her that he won't have a problem saying f everyone, walking away and never looking back. I wrote all this to get some input, advice, suggestions....anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel lost now, and like the brother I used to have died and some monster has replaced him. I just have no idea what I am supposed to do, I'm not comfortable around people who treat me like that, I don't want to be fake and act like nothing is wrong, I don't want to see him again. I just don't know what to do. I feel so hurt though and need some unbiased opinions and or advice. Anything is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I feel it may be a little necessary to explain a little further as to why things aren't great between her and I, anyway.

She has referred to us as welfare, and we arent. We both work and make way to much for assistance. She told me that we needed to wait 5-10 years to try and get pregnant because we needed to make sure we were ready, which was insulting because only we know if and when we are ready. I have tried and tried to brush these things off, but over the years it has worn me thin and has hurt me so bad.

Also, my husband went to the same school as my sil. He was born with a birth defect on his hand and they took his toes and put them where his fingers should have been. He was made fun of by my sil and there are still remarks about it and stares constantly. So, yes there is a bit of hard feelings knowing that she would think less of my husband because of this and make fun of it. It doesn't stop him from doing anything but it's a sensitive thing and I know it bothers him when people say things. It really is just constant petty things that need to be left unsaid, but it is almost like she has to make these mean and cruel remarks.