33weeks and feeling like I just can't anymore

I'm to the point I can't sleep anymore because my back and hip pain is ridiculous. My little guy has dropped so I have constant pressure on my hips and pelvis. Getting up from being seated is so painful. My heart had been racing and I'm getting short of breath for no reason. I'm swollen in my hands and feet. I just generally hurt all over. I'm so ready to have my body back.

But how do you continue working when you feel like this all day everyday? I have a very stressful, high demand job and my boss has decided not to give an ounce of sympathy. I will be working on call until I go into labor. She is also asking that I finish my current workload while continuing to assign me new work, which she expects to be done by the time I leave for maternity leave. Which, that means she's expecting me to do double the work in these last 7 weeks, plus remaining on call overnight and on weekends til then as well....

How? How am I supposed to do that when I'm barely able to keep up with the bare minimum right now because I feel awful?? Anyone else feeling this way or have any suggestions? I wanna start my leave early, like at 36 weeks, but I just don't have enough paid time off to do that.