TTC with PCOS... and I'm heartbroken

Hi everyone. So I was officially diagnosed with PCOS over a year ago, and have been trying to conceive for a year. I have always had irregular periods, I am overweight and it is hard to lose it, excess hair growth, no positive OPKs, you name a PCOS symptom and I have it. Last month I was getting these weird symptoms; dizziness, nausea, fatigue, excessive hunger. I took SO many pregnancy tests in that time, some had shadows, some very faint pink lines, others complete negatives. I finally did blood work with my Gyno and it came back negative as well. 😭 But I still haven't gotten a period (day 60 now). Doctor finally wants to do more testing to see what meds I can be put on to conceive, as I might not be ovulating. 
I'm just feeling so down on myself, like I'm less of a woman and I can't give my husband a family he deserves. Does anyone have any suggestions, or advise, on not only medication, but how to be more positive in this situation? I just feel like such a failure, and although I am happy for the people around me, it's so hard to hear that everyone is getting pregnant, and I can't. It's like I can't talk to anyone because no one understands it; I get all of the cliches: "just have fun trying!" "It'll happen one day!" "God has a plan" "when your body is ready, it'll happen". No one gets how much it hurts to go through this. 
It's a shot in the dark, but if anyone understands what I'm saying, please comment. Maybe your story, suggestions, and advise can help me understand more. Maybe it would finally be a moment when I could feel understood by someone, and not have to deal with this alone. You don't know what it would mean to me.