I don't know anymore...

DH and I were TTC but we decided to take a break about two or three months ago since we were going to be putting our home up for sale. Plus we have a friend getting married next year, and I didn't want to be ready to pop on her wedding day, y'know? 
Anywho, ovulation was roughly around the 26th or 27th. (I can't remember exactly since glow changed the date on me when I pushed back my period). DH and I had fun on the 4th. The condom broke but we were out of the danger zone, so I wasn't worried. Plus I have PCOS, so the odds of us getting pregnant were extremely low. But then AF refused to show.
I'm 12 days late, 24 DPO. I've been having cramping on and off for a week, along with random butterflies. I've also been spotting the past five days, but as soon as I pull out a pad or tampon it goes away. I'm also bloated, and all over the place emotionally- which isn't normal for me. Even during PMS.
I took a pregnancy test on Thursday, but it was negative. 
I'm at a total loss. What do you think?