Crazy stuff happening...

Okay so I know the only way to know for sure is to test, buuut as of right now I'm still 8 days from my period so it's too early. So anyways a week ago I had pink discharge when I wiped and then since then I've been having minor cramping, and a few days after the pink discharge my nipples started to be really sore to the touch and sometimes just randomly would hurt. Lately I have had to pee so much it's ridiculous, even when I have hardly drank anything. My back has been hurting off and on the last few days. Certain smells and tastes upset my stomach and if I don't eat right away in the morning I get nauseous. And this is the one that is the weirdest to me, so I went to the lake for about 4 hours on Sunday and I got fried, and I never burn ever. I was in Phoenix, Az two weeks ago and spent two days in the pool all day and didn't even get a little red, and I have gone to the same lake many many times for much longer periods and have never been burnt this bad. I just don't understand why I burnt so bad!