Questions about TTc

So my SO and I decided to TTC a couple months ago. Luckily we were unsuccessful as I had to have emergency surgery to remove an infected and enlarged gallbladder. Which got me thinking... they gave me a pregnancy test before the surgery, negative, but what if it was too soon to test? Would the anesthesia or the week of pain meds hurt a fetus if I were pregnant? Now I'm paranoid about everything.. can I go on rollercoasters or watersides while TTC? Because isn't there always a chance we are finally successful and within that first month before we find out? I'm pretty familiar with all the pregnancy no-no's but wonder if it goes for TTC as well? I feel silly asking this since we have 3 kids... but this is our first time trying. We have planned a fun filled summer for our kids which includes a couple amusement parks.. I don't want to damper their summer by not being able to join in on the fun so now I'm wondering if we should hold off on TTC until summer is over...