
Ladies I feel so down and cry all the times my friends are prego and I just wish I was with my first baby I had him in heartbeat my son is now 5 years old I took clomid I am 24 years old ! And I cry all the time my hubby smokes a lot of weed he going to get his sperm check out soon I just finish my first round of clomid 100 mg with metformin 500mg I really want another baby badly it's her because I thought it would be easy again pleas pray for me I pray for everybody to I hope clomid works does it usually work I herd it can take a couple of cycles  today I got my postive ovulation test !!!!! Please tell me how many rounds can it take to mayb help u get prego  I aways get my cycle it's 33 days and she gave me it to help me try to get prego