miscarrying 😭

I'm so heart broken and devastated. I wish I knew why and I would just stop beating myself up about it.
Everyday that goes by I think it should get easier but I feel like it gets harder for me one second I have a heart beat then the next day my baby is no longer there. 
Please help 
June 9th I started miscarrying, they've been doing my hcg level every week to make sure it goes back to zero. But I just got my results back from Monday and it's 83. How long has it took you lady's to get back to zero. Having to go get this blood work done is making me more depressed. Every time I go the person drawing the blood goes you know what this is for right, and I tell her my hcg levels and yeah goes yeah it's a pregnancy test. I don't know how much of it I can take.