Halp me please please pleaseeee

So i have Had u protected sex roughly 3 in a half weeks ago and I have been feeling like TOTAL ass. I am hungry ALL the time ive been soooo moody and touchy and I honestly have this 24/7 feeling of annoyance and just almost like every single thing annoys the fuck out of me even the way my pillow is positioned. I have cramps but they come in waves but the waves are pretty constant. I am 1 day late for my period. I have felt SO nauseous and i have had horrible dizziness and headaches. I have felt extremely tired all the time but cannot sleep because of that irritable feeling. Oh also i have been easy to cry.  So is PMS being an EXTREME bith this month?? (A) or am i having early pregnancy symptoms (B) not saying i dont want to be preg so please dont bash me with the whole (if you dont want a baby dont have unprotected sex shpeal) thanks!! 

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