How to convince my dad to let me go to a Pride Parade

So my dad is fully against me going to Pride. There is one happening not far from me on Saturday and I really want to go. I'm bisexual but he doesn't know that.
He doesn't want me to go because:
1. He's strictly religious and homophobic. He sees all gays going to hell and says that they need to be "wiped out". So, he's no where near supportive 
2. He's worried for my safety. This one I can understand because we live in the south and there's sure to be protestors at Pride. He's worried that I'll get hurt. However, I'm going in a huge group and I've taken MMA and Boxing. I'm not defenseless and I have pepper spray. 
So, how do I convince him to let me go? He said that if I can make a good enough case then I can go. Please help me. This is everything to me.