Pregnancy Confirmation Appt

I'm looking for some prayers & expert opinions...
The first day of my last period was April 30.... however, I never have a normal cycle; sometimes it's 4 weeks, 5 weeks, or even close to 6 weeks apart, each time different from the last. My hairdresser recommended I use the herbal supplement "Fertility Blend" so both me and my husband bought a month supply. Well, fast forward to June 9th, I took a test and got a positive result! So happy!!!! I've had all the pregnancy symptoms too. Sore enlarged breasts, fatigue, moodiness, hunger & cravings, even some dizziness. So I go to my first appointment today to get the pregnancy confirmed; according to Glow I should be in my 6th week, and according to the OB I should be in my 7th week; but during the vaginal ultrasound she barely found a sac. It was there but too small and not measuring up to where I should be according to my last period. Now because I have an abnormal period, my doctor said it may just be super early. I haven't had any bleeding at all or any cramping. They took my blood and I'll get results tomorrow. I may have to go back Friday for a regular ultrasound so that an ectopic pregnancy can be ruled out. Does anyone have any knowledge of a situation like mine? Last summer I got pregnant sort of out of the blue but miscarried. Of course now I'm super worried. Any words of wisdom or honesty are appreciated.
Thanks Ladies!
<3 Jess