Tubal pregnancy (ectopic)

So Monday I had a Dr appt to check on my pregnancy. So far nothing really good my hcg was still not rising like they wanted. about 4pm I got a sharp pain and couldn't move, I had to have emergency surgery my pregnancy was in my tubes and it ruptured and I had lots of blood there. The Drs told me they had to save me.They said if I didn't come in as soon as I did it could of been worse I had to get my left tube taken out it wasn't able to be saved. They said I can have more kids after this it might just be hard. I dont know how I feel about that I was afraid of dying and all I could think about was my 30 week old son. I couldnt bare to think I'd never see him again. I definitely want more kids as many as gods willing to give me. I'm just scared it will happen again or something worse. I dont even know my chances of getting pregnant again. I just have so many emotions right now I'm sad because I'm lost this pregnancy but I cant really be sad with a 30 week old by my side he needs his mom so I feel like I need to put my feeling aside and be grateful for the one child I have.