friends of opposite sex

Hey ladies, I have a question for you all. Do you and your significant others have restrictions on having friends of the opposite sex? My husband doesn't like that I am friends with someone from work because he's a guy. We hardly ever talk outside of work but we do have each other on Snapchat. I added him and a some others from work. He wants me to delete this particular guy with no explanation. I told him I would delete him but I would explain that my husband wasn't comfortable with our "friendship" and I want to respect him and the boundaries of our marriage. But my husband says there's no need to. He thinks I shouldn't have guy friends at all. I understand that to an extent. I don't hang out with anyone else, I don't talk to anyone else. My husband and kids are my world. I don't really have friends so it sucks that just this one person I get along with at work I can't talk to at all. I am a believer and follower of Christ so I respect the sanctity of marriage I just want to know if I'm in the wrong for wanting to at least explain why I'm deleting him from Snapchat and not really talking to him?