I went to the ER today. I also went 12 days ago (13 now) bc of spotting. Today, it was bc it was red spotting more than before with a little bit of cramping... first er visit
hcg levels were 4059 & they said i only looked 3 or 4 weeks.. i should of been more than 5. Today I went and hcg levels were 7801 and the ultra sound didn't change at all (they said it looked identical). they also said hcg levels should double every 2 days and mine didn't even fully double in almost 2 weeks. They said that they should see me looking about 8 weeks but didn't look any more than 5 and didn't even see a fetus yet. Also said I'm probably going to miscarry but to see my OB in the morning to be sure 😢😢😭😭 this is our first pregnancy and now I'm praying for a miracle! I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I slept all day when I got home so I'd stop crying.. now I'm awake in the middle of the night and cant go back to sleep and cant stop thinking about this. I'm so nervous about my appointment now. it's literally in 12 hrs and i just want everything to be okay sand hoping the ER was wrong! they sis theta a little chance... but very rare 😢 I've done everything correctly, ate all the right healthy foods, and cut a lot of stuff out. I feel like I changed my whole life as soon as i found out and we planned on having this baby. we tried and tried for a few months until we finally got our positive... i just dunno what to do except wait. the er said it's nothing i did and nothing i can do.. that this was natural, but it doesn't feel natural. My heart is broken.